NMRFAM Logo Computational Annotation of MS Peaks (CAMP)
Processed databases
Atom-Mass pairs
Submission id: OUF00465

Outputs for Succinic acid; GC-EI-TOF; MS; n TMS; RT:449.444 sec

Database: Engineering department, Osaka Univ.
Entry ID: OUF00465
Synonyms: Succinic acid
Total mass: 118.0878
Formula: H6 C4 O4

Experimental information

MS type: MS
Instrument: Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies
Instrument type: GC-EI-TOF
Ionization mode: POSITIVE

CAMP general report:

Acceptable mass threshold: 2.0158
Out of range queried mass peaks: 128.0,131.0,134.0,143.0,146.0,149.0,156.0,163.0,172.0,175.0,190.0,203.0,217.0,247.0,262.0,
Replicated queried mass peaks: 86.0, 87.0, 89.0, 90.0, 93.0, 100.0, 101.0, 103.0, 104.0, 114.0, 115.0, 117.0, 118.0, 129.0, 130.0, 132.0, 133.0, 135.0, 145.0, 147.0, 148.0, 150.0, 151.0, 157.0, 173.0, 174.0, 218.0, 219.0, 248.0, 249.0,
Processing time: 0:00:00.730414

Results for the quried mass "113.0"

FormulaMass differencesNum. used protonsNum. required extra protonsAtom names
C4O4 0.048 1 0 C1,C2,C3,C4,O5,O6,O7,O8

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