NMRFAM Logo Computational Annotation of MS Peaks (CAMP)
Processed databases
Atom-Mass pairs
Related entries (identical compound): KNA00570 KNA00571 KNA00471 KNA00473 KNA00472 KZ000035 KNA00569 OUF00273 KO000987 KO000986 KO000985 KO000983 KO000984 PR010165 JP009501 KO003073 KO003076 KO003077 KO003074 KO003075 MT000055
Submission id: KNA00471

Outputs for Hypoxanthine; LC-ESI-ITFT; MS; POS

Database: Graduate School of Information Science, NAIST
Entry ID: KNA00471
Synonyms: Hypoxanthine, Purine-6-ol
Total mass: 136.1113
Formula: H4 C5 O1 N4

Structure file (with ALATIS unique atom labels)

Experimental information

MS type: MS
Instrument: LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Scientfic
Instrument type: LC-ESI-ITFT
Ionization: ESI
Ionization mode: POSITIVE

CAMP general report:

Acceptable mass threshold: 2.0158
Out of range queried mass peaks: 139.049463,141.958171,149.001946,155.142891,158.002552,163.132671,170.095866,172.152025,179.0632,182.0287,186.99993,190.028489,194.117473,199.179842,222.112313,252.108787,272.099372,299.512294,323.037342,336.983052,349.47406,391.284356,436.341219,482.002131,497.99819,515.964238,531.976473,547.989064,561.947469,563.97342,577.96529,583.982659,599.997156,649.945183,652.003187,684.029764,698.010606,720.023837,788.042629,924.083297,
Replicated queried mass peaks: 102.033748, 102.091202, 136.063614, 136.581316, 136.889061, 136.961996, 136.993489, 137.017721, 137.021356, 137.022871, 137.025901, 137.029839, 137.030748, 137.033172, 137.03499, 137.036505, 137.037414, 137.039232, 137.040444, 137.041656, 137.042869, 137.043778, 137.045596, 137.047111, 137.048323, 137.050445, 137.051051, 137.052566, 137.053475, 137.054384, 137.0559, 137.056809, 137.058021, 137.059233, 137.060143, 137.061052, 137.065901, 137.068933, 137.069842, 137.073479, 137.097733, 137.125936, 137.129575, 137.202703, 137.213328, 137.512247, 138.042841, 138.045905, 138.048662, 138.050194, 138.051113, 149.022904, 158.096379, 159.027515, 171.149125, 172.97669, 174.127584, 182.103407, 182.984796, 187.12606, 195.120051, 224.127985, 273.006222, 273.076954, 273.079511, 273.084626, 273.088888, 273.091445, 274.080382, 274.087239, 392.286254, 533.975213, 561.955017, 561.970115, 561.992763, 562.972954, 652.503474, 653.007489, 720.524061, 789.046431,
Processing time: 0:00:00.750740
Queried mass list: ['100.112', '110.035', '116.070', '119.035', '133.072', '136.062']

Queried massNum. matched formulasNum. matched fragments
100.111848 No match found! No match found!
110.03457 (link to fragments) 1 7
116.070432 (link to fragments) 2 5
119.035071 (link to fragments) 3 9
133.072246 (link to fragments) 1 1
136.062116 (link to fragments) 1 1

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