NMRFAM Logo Computational Annotation of MS Peaks (CAMP)
Processed databases
Atom-Mass pairs
Related entries (identical compound): PR101002 PR100606 JP011660 GLS00166 PR010238 KO001786 KO001787 KO001784 KO001785 KO001788 OUF00465 KNA00523 KNA00526 KNA00525 KNA00524 JP003893 KZ000074
Submission id: KO001785

Outputs for Succinic acid; LC-ESI-QQ; MS2; CE:20 V; [M-H]-

Database: Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio Univ.
Entry ID: KO001785
Synonyms: Succinate, Succinic acid, Ethylenesuccinic acid, Butanedionic acid
Total mass: 118.0878
Formula: H6 C4 O4

Structure file (with ALATIS unique atom labels)

Experimental information

MS type: MS2
Instrument: API3000, Applied Biosystems
Instrument type: LC-ESI-QQ
Ionization mode: NEGATIVE

CAMP general report:

Acceptable mass threshold: 2.0158
Out of range queried mass peaks:
Replicated queried mass peaks: 72.4,
Processing time: 0:00:01.073552
Queried mass list: ['35.000', '54.900', '59.300', '70.900', '73.000', '99.200', '117.100']

Queried massNum. matched formulasNum. matched fragments
35.0 (link to fragments) 1 2
54.9 (link to fragments) 2 6
59.3 (link to fragments) 1 2
70.9 (link to fragments) 1 2
73.0 (link to fragments) 1 2
99.2 (link to fragments) 1 4
117.1 (link to fragments) 1 1

Flag Counter