NMRFAM Logo Computational Annotation of MS Peaks (CAMP)
Processed databases
Atom-Mass pairs
Related entries (identical compound): JP011892 KO002031 KO002030 KO002032 KZ000097 KZ000098 KZ000099 KNA00317 KZ000086 KO002028 KO002029 KO000003 KO000001 KO000002 PR010215 PR100220 KZ000006 KNA00316 GLS00055 KNA00005 KNA00006 KNA00007 OUF00061
Submission id: KNA00005

Outputs for 4-Aminobutanoic acid; LC-ESI-ITFT; MS; POS

Database: Graduate School of Information Science, NAIST
Entry ID: KNA00005
Synonyms: 4-Aminobutanoate, 4-Aminobutanoic acid, 4-Aminobutyrate, 4-Aminobutyric acid, gamma-Aminobutyric acid
Total mass: 103.1194
Formula: H9 C4 O2 N1

Structure file (with ALATIS unique atom labels)

Experimental information

MS type: MS
Instrument: LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Scientfic
Instrument type: LC-ESI-ITFT
Ionization: ESI
Ionization mode: POSITIVE

CAMP general report:

Acceptable mass threshold: 2.0158
Out of range queried mass peaks: 106.073989,110.026504,112.050158,171.148702,174.12715,187.125577,199.179842,207.133224,223.062608,229.085044,235.039946,245.079387,266.194902,307.056668,336.236491,354.097605,364.114596,380.261407,391.282894,437.215386,466.168968,494.344951,
Replicated queried mass peaks: 103.96626, 104.014734, 104.035575, 104.045598, 104.051812, 104.052815, 104.056624, 104.057226, 104.058228, 104.059231, 104.060033, 104.061236, 104.062439, 104.063642, 104.064043, 104.064644, 104.065246, 104.06685, 104.067853, 104.068454, 104.068855, 104.070259, 104.071863, 104.072465, 104.073468, 104.07447, 104.075072, 104.075674, 104.076075, 104.077278, 104.077679, 104.078481, 104.078882, 104.080286, 104.080888, 104.08169, 104.082493, 104.082894, 104.084097, 104.087306, 104.08871, 104.10496, 104.125628, 104.174414, 104.181243, 104.378963, 105.06679, 105.0733, 230.087738, 231.079777, 392.286254, 495.349218,
Processing time: 0:00:00.412299
Queried mass list: ['103.763']

Queried massNum. matched formulasNum. matched fragments
103.762922 (link to fragments) 1 1

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